October 2024


Dear Friends,
When I arrived here 5 years ago, God gave me a vision of a full church here in St Ives. Although we have yet to see this happen every week, it is of great encouragement to see some weeks where we are putting out extra seats as we welcome new people into the church, some who have never been to church before.

As the church grows here, we also experience challenges as we consider how we adapt our worship and practices to make sure that we continue to grow and sustain the fantastic work that God is doing. One of the other challenges we face comes in the form of the vacancies that we have in a number of key roles that are an important part of how we continue to see God’s kingdom coming here.

Therefore, I now ask you to pray sincerely about how God is calling you to support the ministry and mission of this church. We currently have the following vacancies that are crucial appointments. Could you be the person God is calling you to fulfil any of the current roles?

Property Team Leader
This person co-ordinates all the routine & reported maintenance of the building
CCLI Recorder
The person who records all our copyright information in relation to our hymns and songs
Coffee On The Waits
The person / people to take the lead in setting up and delivering our very successful coffee morning on a Thursday.
Vestry Stewards
Person / people who are on a rota to open the church on a Sunday and welcome the preacher.

Please pray through this list of vacancies that we desperately need to fill as we look forward to what God is doing and going to do – so that our church will be full each week. If you have any questions about the roles outlined above, please do not hesitate to let me know.


Every blessing




10th November: Remembrance Day Service at 10am at SIMC
17th November: Sunday Club Presentation & Commissioning of workers with children & young people
21st November: Midweek Communion
23rd November: Christmas Fayre
29th November: Film Club
1st December: Remembering Service at 6pm
4th December: Church Christmas Meal
12th December: 11am Coffee & Carols (also with the CATS Group)
15th December: Nativity Service at 10.30am
19th December: Mid-Week Communion
20th December: Film Club
22nd December: 6pm Carol Service
24th December: 4pm Christingle Service
25th December: 10am Christmas Day Service
5th January: Covenant Service
16th January: Midweek Communion
19th January: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Sunday
22nd January: Church Council at 7pm
26th January: ECO service
31st January: Film Club
2nd February: Youth Service
20th February: Midweek Communion
21st February: Film Club
16th March: Global Church Sunday
20th March: Mid-Week Communion
28th March: Film Club
30th March: Mothering Sunday
17th April: Maundy Thursday Communion Service 7.30pm
18th April: Good Friday Service 10am
20th April: Easter Sunday Service
27th April: Zimbabwe Linked service
11th May: Christian Aid Sunday
18th May: Aldersgate Sunday
22nd May: Mid-Week Communion
30th May: Film Club
8th June: Pentecost & Methodist Homes Sunday
19th June: Mid-Week Communion
27th June: Film Club
6th July: Church Picnic
13th July: Action for Children Sunday
17th July: Mid-Week Communion
19th October: Harvest Festival Service