Children & Families

At St. Ives Methodist Church we offer a range of opportunities for children to be part of our church life. Children are welcome to any of our services, but we recommend our morning service at 10.30am where we cater for all ages. We offer a Sunday Club, a Creche area and once a month Café Family Worship where we all stay in together.
We do, however, realise that bringing children, especially babies and toddlers, to a church service can be worrying but there is no need to be concerned as we want coming to church to be a happy experience for you and your child, as shown below:
You and your Baby
If your baby is settled, please feel free to remain seated, even if others are standing. Please don’t be embarrassed if your baby cries, as they will do from time to time. If you need to walk around to settle them, then please do. Also, there is a creche area you can visit and stay with them there. You could bring your own quiet/favourite toys to comfort them to enable you to be relaxed and enjoy your time in Church.
If your baby needs feeding, feel free to do so. We have two new baby changing rooms one at the main entrance and one by the hall, should you need to use them at any time.
You and your Toddler
A service can be a long time for pre-school children so if your child goes for a walk-about in the middle of the service, then let them have a look around and explore, whilst keeping a watchful eye on them. If they want to join in the singing it’s great fun to get an instrument or flag from the basket provided at the front. If they want to visit the creche area to investigate books and quiet toys, then feel free to explore together. When the children go out for Sunday Club (usually throughout the sermon) you are welcome to come out too with your young one and play in the area set up for you in the Hall.
We welcome all children between the ages of 3 -16 to join our Sunday Club. When you arrive at church the children will be encouraged to sit with you, as a family at the beginning of the service, so they can join in with the music and songs. During the talk aimed more for grown ups (usually around 20/25 mins), we will go into the adjoining hall where there will be a dedicated team of Sunday Club helpers to help them through their activities, crafts, games and stories to learn more about the life and teachings of Jesus.

If your child is unsettled and unhappy about being left, you are welcome to come out and stay with them until they feel comfortable and happy to stay without you, even if it takes a few weeks. We will encourage you to come down at the end of the service to collect your child and see what they have been up to.
Most of all we want your children to have fun and enjoy their time with us. Please have a look on our Facebook page SIMC children and families to see what we have been up to throughout lockdown and to watch out for future events.
To see the SIMC Safeguarding Policy, please click here.
All Age Worship (Once a Month)
This is a time where all families are welcome to sit together throughout the service in Church, around tables where drinks are available too. Throughout, there are opportunities for your children to engage with the worship and to enjoy an activity bag to do with you at your table. This
service is for all ages and includes video clips, quizzes, and a children’s action song!
Should you have any queries or questions at all please do not hesitate to contact me on Tel: 01480 462293 or email
Elaine Witham – Children and Families Worker
Check out the SIMC Children & Families Facebook Page on the Home page or by clicking the logo below, for everything that is going on.