St Ives Methodist Church

St Ives Methodist Church is a place for all ages, partnering with others and with God to make a real difference to the people in this historic market town.

St Ives Methodist Church

St Ives Methodist Church is a place for all ages, partnering with others and with God to make a real difference to the people in this historic market town.

Welcome to Our Website

We always aim to be a place of welcome to those viewing online or those who are with us in person. We have a wide age range of people who are connected with us and have a growing children’s and families’ ministry but the whole church is a mix of people seeking to learn more about being a Christian today.

We have a mission to reach out, to love and serve our community and each other.


Great that you have logged on to see us here – we want you to feel at home whether you are looking for a new church, seeking to learn more or simply want to know what is going on.


There are some great opportunities for you to find out more – check out the different tabs on this website or you can also have a look on our Facebook pages – please do get in touch and leave a message; we would be delighted to speak with you.


There are a whole number of things planned for all to discover more about prayer, being a Christian and the basics of faith through our online ministry, as well as when we meet up in person.


I hope you have a great rest of the day after you read this and be assured that we will be looking out for you if you want to come along and see us.


God bless


Find Out MoreContact Us

New to St Ives?

October Worship Services

Contact Details

St Ives Methodist Church
The Waits, St Ives,
Cambridgeshire PE27 5BY

TELEPHONE: 07483 154590

EMAIL us by clicking here.

SIMC Children & Families

St Ives Methodist Church

What's on at St Ives Methodist Church