Baby and Tots Group

Our Baby and Tots group meets weekly during school term time from 10am – 11.30am in our Church. The cost is £1.00 per child. We are a busy group and have a waiting list at the moment; if you would like to add your name to that list, please contact Elaine Witham. (Please do not just turn up if you have not been given a space).
Our group is a place to connect with other families in the area and grow in friendship and support of one another. Babies and Tots of all ages, from new-borns right up to children aged four, are welcome to come along and be part of the fun.
We have an excellent range of toys, a weekly craft and healthy snacks/drinks available for the children – a choice of hot drinks and a biscuit for the grown ups!
Our normal timetable for the morning is 10am – 11am: playtime, craft time (a craft is always provided around a theme of a story) and a chance to have a chat to each other with a cuppa.
11am – 11.30am: Story time and a sing along of our favourite Nursery Rhymes including actions with encouragement to join in!
We have a team of volunteers (all DBS checked) from our Church to help on the morning so please do not hesitate to ask if you need anything.
The main point of the morning is that we all have fun and children learn to socialise and have fun in a safe and friendly environment.
If you would like to know more please do not hesitate to contact me: Elaine Witham, Children and Families Worker
Tel: 01480 462293 or email: