Fairtrade Church

Whether you drop in during Thursday’s Coffee on the Waits, or stop for a cuppa after a morning service, you can be sure that the tea or coffee that you drink is always Fairtrade. We are an officially accredited Fairtrade church, as recognised by the Fairtrade Foundation.
St Ives Methodist Church has been supporting and campaigning for Fairtrade for over 22 years! This has included running regular stalls selling Fairtrade goods, collecting till receipts and lobbying supermarkets, demonstrating at national events and getting involved with high profile campaigns such as Jubilee 2000, and Make Poverty History.
Thanks to the success of such campaigns, Fairtrade is now a well-known concept. Rather than focusing on running our own stalls, these days we are able to encourage all our members to think Fairtrade when they are filling their supermarket trolley and if their supermarket does not sell a particular Fairtrade product they are after, ask them to stock it.
The St Ives Just Sharing shop is also a great source of Fairtrade goodies including new and pioneering products, many of which could be on the supermarket shelves in the future if we shout loud enough. We are a church committed to justice for the world’s poor.
Where ever you shop, remember to ask about Fairtrade and look for the Fairtrade logo.