St. Ives Churches
There are a number of Christian Churches in St Ives. Each one has it’s own unique way of doing Church. Have a look at Churches Together in St Ives to see what we’re doing together or check out their websites below for a closer look.

The Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church on Needingworth Road is twinned with the Parish of Our Lady Mother of Sorrows, Aboud, Palestine. The church is served by Missionaries of Lady of La Salette, Fr Edward Tredota MS (Parish Priest) and Fr Marek Pabis MS (Assistant Priest).
The Free Church
St Ives Free Church (United Reformed) is an active congregation located in the centre of the market town of St Ives in Cambridgeshire. Together with the URC church in nearby Fenstanton, it forms the St Ives Group of Churches. The churches meet regularly for worship and fellowship. The Free Church runs a well stocked Fair Trade shop (Just Sharing) and a friendly coffee shop (Tookeys).
St Ives Christian Fellowship
St Ives Christian Fellowship is an outgoing and friendly evangelical church established over 20 years ago. We have an office in the town centre and a stall on the Monday market. Come and meet us for a chat! On Sundays we meet at Thorndown Junior School, and in homes during the week. Our service incorporates activities for children and relevant modern worship. Newcomers are welcome to all meetings.
All Saints
All Saints is the parish church of St Ives in Cambridgeshire, serving the people of God here since the year 970. Families and individuals are all welcome to our services. Address: Church Street, St Ives, Cambs. PE27 6DG. The main celebration on Sunday is the Sung Eucharist at 10.15am. There is a simpler Eucharist at 8am and a non-eucharistic service at 6pm on the first Sunday of the month.
Crossways is a friendly Assemblies of God (AoG) church on Ramsey Road with lively worship and challenging biblical teaching and preaching. Our church is made up of people from all over the world including South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria. We have a growing children’s and young people’s work.
The Bridge Church
We gather together in small groups in Huntingdon, St Ives and Fenstanton for worship, fellowship and outreach and on Sundays 10.30am at Westfield Primary School. We would love to have you join with us one Sunday or midweek. If you don’t normally go to Church, you will find us welcoming, friendly and lively. We hope you will experience the love and presence of God during our meetings and learn more about His plan for our lives through Bible based relevant teaching and ministry.