Through the Week
For more information about any of the groups below please e-mail us by clicking here.
For information on how to join in with any of the following groups, either in person or via Zoom, please contact us by clicking here for further details and the Zoom link.
Weekly Prayer Meeting
Every Wednesday in church at 10am – all are welcome.
Each week a group pray for all our church family and should you have any prayer requests please do not hesitate to contact Rev Nick by clicking here or contacting him via the Facebook page.
Midweek holy communion
Led by Rev H. Walker, a short, simple service of Holy Communion is usually held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 11.30am. The next service will be held on Thursday 19th September. All are welcome. If you would like further information, please contact us by clicking here.
Bible study groups
The Monday Study Group will next meet on 16th September at 2pm at the church. We will be reading the book of Genesis.
Everyone is welcome to come along, whether you have been to a house group before or not. You will find a friendly welcome awaits you.
Both groups are open to all, so please put the dates in your diary and come along and join us.
Bible Life Group
UPDATE: we are currently taking a break. For information on future sessions please click on the link above.
Come along to our new Bible study group and bring the children with you! There will be toys available to help keep them entertained whilst you enjoy fellowship and friendship in a family-friendly group.
We love to have new people join us, so if you are interested in knowing more about the Friday Bible Study group, please contact us by clicking here.
Baby and Tots Group
Our Baby and Tots groups meets every Tuesday from 10 – 11.30am. The cost is £1 per child.
Please don’t forget to check with Elaine about booking a place for your child/children, as we do have a waiting list.
So please, DO NOT just turn up without checking with Elaine first.
Check out our SIMC Children & Families Facebook page to see what we have been doing, especially in the craft corner. There are some excellent photos!
There is a link to Facebook on the Home page of the website.
You can contact Elaine through the Children and Families FB page: SIMC Children & Families.
Every Thursday morning from 10am – 12 noon
We meet in our Church where we offer a warm welcome to all, and a warm space, for refreshment, a chat and friendship.
If you would like to donate cakes on any Thursday that would be really appreciated! Please have a look at our page on the side tab of ‘Through The Week’ for more info and photos.